Saturday, August 4, 2012

Where did the time go...

Here it is August 4th! Where did June and July go? I have been busy but hey I forgot to post ;-).
Anyways I guess turning 50 and going on a four-day crop retreat doesn't make me busy. threw a great retreat at the University of Utah. If great means we also got to see several National Rugby Teams - then it was totally awesome - wink wink.
But here it is August and I am getting around more and more with small issues with my foot. It keeps getting stronger and stronger. Just being patient and it's all good.
Now taking care of hubby with his pulled muscle in his inner calf. Poor guy I hate to see him down like this cause he is so chomping at the bit to do things.
Well until another day...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Finally the last two...

The last two screws out of my right foot. Those last two holding my heel placement. Is this all complete after nearly a year of recovery. No one said it would be easy. I am still glad I did have my foot operated on to help with the many issues I was having. Now to get it all strengthened and to move on to the left foot. This is a new beginning.
Feeling great. Back to the Adrenaline Rush, circuit training, and it is helping out. Still slow going with the foot but again being patient with everything.
The weather is definitely becoming Spring into Summer. I hope to enjoy a lot of it as not much happened with my last summer. Want to get out the ol' bbq and do that all summer long. Need to search out those great recipes and put to use.
This is just great! Loving Life! Loving my man and kids!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A renewal of some sorts

Starting over again and again. Have just been so focused on keeping up and worrying about that. Need to let it all go. I have been so concerned with rehabilitation of one thing or the other: foot; knee; health; etc.
I have reconnected with friends and am enjoying my time. Have a few things planned in the future that I am very grateful for. I can't wait to go on a "scrapbooking retreat" of more than two days! It's silly and yet revitalizing and enjoying the moments.
Will be organizing my life more so and keeping focused! The FOCUS being on the good things and not the unimportant stuff going on - memo to self learn to let go!
So blessed in so many ways and the positive of that needs to be the FOCUS at the beginning of everything an anything I do! Yes I can do this!